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Join us

Get To Know Us – First Steps…

Always try before you buy! Join us as a visitor and find out what walking with us is all about.  This will ensure that you have the required physical ability and can learn about equipment needed to participate in activities organised by the club. 

This also gives you the opportunity to meet other members to see whether you enjoy walking with the group and whether you think the club is for you.

Once you have completed two day walks as a visitor in a financial year, you may apply to join as a member by completing the application process and paying the fees. Becoming a member entitles you to participate in all club activities, including multi day activities, within your ability, subject to the leaders discretion.

New comers are always welcome at meetings and to come walking on a try before you join basis. A $5 per walk visitor's fee applies (under 18, $2 fee) for up to 3 walks prior to joining as a member. A visitors Acknowledgement form covers participants for insurance purposes.


Membership fees for the 2024-2025 year are as follows

Single         $35  
Family        $70  
Under 18    $15
Member of other Bushwalking Victoria Club $10

Membership fees apply for the year from 1 April to 31 March.

Membership application form is available below



Meeting Dates 2024

Meetings are held at Back 9 Golf course meeting room, McKenzie Street Echuca on the second Wednesday of the month unless otherwise stated.  General meetings commence at 7.30pm

January 10 
February 14   
March 13      
April 10      AGM 7.30 pm
May 8       
June 12        
July 10         
August 14  
September 11  
October 9      
November 13 
December - no meeting